Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Corning Glass Museum

टुरचा शेवट आमचा कॉर्निंग ग्लास  संग्रहालयने झाला. इथे ग्लास बनविण्याचा कारखाना आहे असे  आम्हाला सांगण्यात आले .  तिथे पोहोचल्यावर समजले कि कारखाना कमी आणि ग्लास च्या वस्तु विकण्याची दुकान जास्त वाटत होत.
आम्हाला फ़क्त एक ग्लासची वस्तु कशी घडवली जाते ह्याचा प्रात्यक्षिक दाखवल. हयात काच गरम असताना त्याला आकर कसा देतात, त्याला रंग कसे दिले जातात, ह्या विषयी माहिती दिली गेली. आणि त्यानंतर पूर्ण वेळ त्यांच्या दुकानात घालवावा लागला.
कलाकृती अप्रतिम होती हे मान्य करावे लागेल परंतु त्याच्या किमती सुद्धा अप्रतिम होत्या. आम्ही कारखान्यात आलो होतो तर माझा समाज होता कि ह्या वस्तू इथेच बनविलेल्या असतील पण त्या तर सगळ्या कुठेतरी दुसरीकडे तयार केलेल्या होत्या मग प्रश्न असा होता कि नक्की ह्यांचा कारखाना कुठे आहे. असो थोडा वेळ तिथे फिरल्यावर आम्ही तिथून काहीही न घेता परतीच्या प्रवासाला निघलो.
शेवटी काहीही म्हणा २ दिवस मजा आली.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Wetkin's Glenn State Park - Gorge Trail

नायगराच्या अविस्मरणीय आठवणी मनात साठवून आम्ही तिथून निघालो. मी केव ऑफ द विंड वरून वेळेवर परतलो पण जेवण अजून झाले नव्हते आणि आम्ही ज्या हॉटेल मध्ये थांणार होतो तिथे खाण्याची सोय असेलच ह्याची खात्री नव्हती. टुर मधल्या एकाने आम्हाला जवळच्या पंजाबी कार्ट विषयी सांगितले. इतर प्रवासी टुर वाल्यांशी हुज्जत घालत होते कि आम्हाला रात्रीचा व्यु  बघायला मिळाला नाही आणि आमच्या कडे अजून ५ मिनिटे होती. आम्ही धावतच कार्ट कडे गेलो आणि पटापट काय हवे ते सांगितले. तो सरदारजी एवढा आरामात काम करत होता आम्ही हात टेकले. त्यात त्याचे २ वेळा फोन आणि तो एकटाच. त्यांनी आमचे जवळजवळ १५ मिनिटे घेतली आणि आम्हाला उशीर झाला. बस मध्ये परत गेल्यावर आम्हाला बस चालक आणि गाईड दोघांनी धारेवर धरले. आम्ही निमूट शांत जागेवर जाऊन बसलो. 
आमचा हॉटेल २ तासावर होते. पोटात कावळे ओरडत होते. जेवण होते पण खाणार कसे बस मध्ये आणि हॉटेल काही लवकर येत नव्हते. शेवटी एकदाचे ते आले. आम्ही रूम च्या चाव्या गेह्तल्या आणि रूम वर गेलो. फ्रेश झाल्यावर जेवून घेतले. जेवण बाकी झकास होते. थोडा थंड झाला प्रवासात पण छान झाले.  
दूसऱ्या दिवशी आम्ही सगळ्यांची आधी आवरून खाली गेलो. आधीच्या दिवसाची भरपाई म्हणून. सर्वात पहिले आम्ही होते. थोडे फार फोटो काढल्यावर बाकीचे मंडळी सुध्धा जमली आणि आम्ही पुढच्या प्रवासाला निघालो. 
२-३ तासाच्या प्रवासानंतर आमची बस वेटकीन ग्लेन्न पार्क ला आली.  गाईड ने माहिती दिल्यावर समजले कि इथे छोटासा ट्रेक करायचा आहे. बस ने आम्हाला डोंगराच्या वर सोडले आणि तिथून खाली उतरत यायचे. आम्ही चालू लागलो. आम्हाला सूचना दिल्यागेल्या कि जोर्ज ट्रेल ला धरून चालायचे. तिथे बरचसे ट्रेल आहेत त्यातला आम्ही जोर्ज ट्रेल करणार होतो. इथले ट्रेक म्हणजे सर्व सोयी सुविधा उपयुक्त ट्रेक होता. सुरक्षित पायऱ्या , कठडे, लाकडी पूल ह्या सगळ्याची सोय केलेली होती. आमचा ट्रेल एका नदीला धरून होतो. आम्ही खाली उतरू लागलो, ५-१० मिनिटानंतर ट्रेल मध्ये मज येत गेली. बाजूने संथ वाहणाऱ्या नदीचे पाणी अचानक एखाद्या उंच कथ्द्यापारून खाली कोसळत होते. ट्रेल चा रस्ता मध्येच एका बोगद्यात जायचा . कुठेकुठे तर रस्ता कडेकपारीत कोरून बनवलेला होता. एके ठिकाणी रस्ता धबधब्याचा मागून जात होता. तिथे फोटो काढण्यासाठी तर लोकानी बरीच गर्दी केली होती. फोटोग्राफर साठी तर हा तरेल एक सुंदर लोकेशनच म्हणवे लागेल. ह्याला ट्रेक पेक्षा निसर्गाच्या कुशीतला फेरफटका म्हणता येईल.ठिकठिकाणी असणाऱ्या झाडांविषयी, स्थळांविषयी  माहिती देणारे फलक, जिथे दोन ट्रेल मिळताततिथे नकाशा त्यामुळे चुकण्याचा तर प्रश्नच नव्हता. एक तासात आमचा हा ट्रेल संपला. मी गाईडचे आभार मानले कि तिने हा सुंदर ट्रेल आम्हाला दाखवला. 
त्यानंतर आमची बस टूर च्या शेवटच्या ठिकाणी निघाली. 

Monday, 26 August 2013

Cave of the Wind - Niagara falls

मेड ऑफ द मिस्ट झाल्यावर आम्ही केव ऑफ द विंड ला  जायचा निर्णय घेतला .
केव ऑफ द विंड आपल्याला धबधब्याच्या एकदम जवळ घेऊन जातो आणि खराखुरा धबधब्यात भिजण्याचा आनंद देतो.  मेड ऑफ द मिस्ट पासून पुन्हा डेक वर आल्यावूर १० मिनिटांची पायपीट केली कि केव ऑफ द विंड ला आपणा पोहोचतो . तिकीट काढल्यावर आपल्याला ते पायात घालण्यासाठी फ्लोटर्स देतात. हे फ्लोटर्स मुद्दामून केव ऑफ द विंड साठी बनवले आहेत कारण आपण जिथे जातो तिथे सतत पाणी पडत असते आणि ती जागा शेवाळामुळे निसरडी बनली आहे. फ्लोटर्स घालून आपण रांगेत उभे राहतो. त्यानंतर आपला नंबर आला कि लिफ्ट आपल्याला १७५ फिट  खाली घेऊन जाते. तिथे २ लिफ्ट आहेत पण माज्यावेळी  त्यातली एक बंद होती आणि मला जवळ जवळ दीड तास रांगेत उभे राहावे लागले.
आम्हाला परत ९ वाजेपर्यंत बस मध्ये जायचे होते. माझा सतत एक डोळा घड्याळा कडे आणि एक रंग किती पुढे सरकत आहे त्याकडे होता. रांगेत उभा असताना मी विचार केला इथे उभा राहण्यापेक्ष २ जण पटकन एक जवळचा पोइन्त बघून येतील. मग पहिल्यांदा माज्या ग्रुप मधले दोघे गेले आणि ते आल्यावूर मी गेलो. हा पोइन्त होर्सुए फोल्ल्स च्या जवळ आहे जिथून आपल्यलाल पाणी एकदम जवळून खाली पडताना दिसते. मी तिथे पोहोच्यावर एका मुलीला माझे फोटो काध्याला सांगितले. ती सुधा एकदम इंटरेस्ट घेऊन फोटो काढू लागली पण लागेचः मला फोन आला कि नंबर जवळ आला आहे लवकर ये. मी धावत पळत परत रांगेत गेलो आणि हो रंग एकदम पटापट पुढे गेली होती कारण दोन्ही लिफ्ट सुरु झाल्या होत्या.
आम्ही खाली गेल्यावूर आम्हाला परत पोंचो दिला. आम्ही चालत चालत तो चढवला. आपण एका लाकडी डेक वरून धबधब्याच्या जवळ जातो. आपल्यात आणि धबधब्यात फक्त ६ मीटर अंतर असते. आणि पाण्याचे तुषार आपल्या अंगावूर उडत असतात. त्यात जर का वर आला तूर पाण्याचा लोट अंगावर येतो आणि पोंची फक्त नावापुरता अंगावर राहतो आणि आपण पुर्ण चिंब भिहून जातो. इथे फोटो काढायला हि संधी मिळत नाही कारण पाण्यापासून आपल्याला कमेरा वाचवायचा असतो.
मला  तिथे अजून वेळ घालवायचा होता पण घड्याळ परत जाण्यासाठी सांगत होता. जर रांगेत एवढा वेळ गेला नसता तर खरच अजून मजा करता आली असती. आम्ही हा झकास अनुभव घेऊन परत निघालो. 

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Maid of the Mist - Niagara falls

नायगराला पोहचण्यापूर्वी आमची टुर गाईड पुन्हा सुरु झाली. तिने माईक हातात घेतला आणि आम्हाला सूचना देण्यास सुरुवात केली. ह्या वीकेंडला खूप गर्दी आहे. जवळपास ५० बसेस आल्या आहेत आणि प्रत्येक बस मध्ये ५० जन आहेत तूर विचार करा किती गर्दी असेल. तुम्ही बस मधून उतरल्यावर मला फॉलो करा. माझ्या हातात लाल कलरची छत्री असेल तिला बघून माझ्या मागे मागे या. मी तुम्हाला तिकीट देईन आणि तुम्ही सर्वात पहिले बोट पकडा. जाताना ज्या रस्त्याने जाल येताना पण त्याच रस्त्याने परत याल तर परत येतान फोटो काढा.

असे जवळपास हजार सूचना दिल्यावर ती शेवटी शांत झाली आणि आमची बस नायगरा स्टेट पार्कला पोहोचली. ड्रोप पोइन्तला सोडून ती बस पार्किंग लॉट मध्ये निघून गेली. आमच्या मादामने पण छत्री उघडली आणि चालू लागली. तिच्या मागे मागे आम्ही ५० जण.  तिकीट बुथला पोहचल्यावर तिने आपली लाल छत्री बंद केली आणि मागे बघितला तर ५० पैकी फक्त २० जण तिथे होते. तिने एका ग्रुपला फोन केला आणि ओरडू लागली आणि बोलत होती 'Do you see my red umbrella?'. माझा मित्र बोलला 'अरे आधी छत्री तर ओपन कर'.
थोडा वेळ बाकीच्यांची वाट बघितल्यावर तिने आम्हाला आमचे तिकीट दिले. आम्ही तिकीट घेऊन आत रांगेत गेलो. रांग बरीच मोठी होती पण पटापट पुढे सरकत होती. आम्ही जिथे उभे होतो तो एक मोठा डेक होता, तिथून आम्हाला लिफ्ट घेऊन २०० फुट खाली जायचे होते. त्या डेकच्या एका बाजूला नायगारा धबधबा खळाळत २०० फुट उंची वरून खाली पडत होता आणि दुसर्या बाजूला अमेरिका आणि कॅनडा ला जोडणारा रेन्बो ब्रिज दिसत होत. ब्रिजच्या बरोबर मध्ये दोन्ही देशाचे ध्वज फडकत होते. नायगारा नदी ही दोन्ही देशाची सीमा आहे, नदीच्या एका बाजूला अमेरिका जिथे आम्ही होतो आणि दुसर्याबाजूला कॅनडा. ब्रिजच्या मधले ध्वज हे सीमा दर्शवत होते.
पुढच्या पाच मिनिटात आम्ही लिफ्ट मधुन खाली आलो. लिफ्ट मधून बाहेर आल्यावर आमची तिकीट चेक करण्यात आली आणि पुढे आम्हाला रेनकोट दिला गेला. रेनकोट साधा पोन्चो सारखा होता, हात बाहेर येण्यासाठी दोन बाह्या आणि डोक्यावर एक टोपी येईल असा, शरीरभर तो निळ्या रंगाचा पोन्चो. चालत चालतच तो अंगावर मी चढवला आणि बोटीच्या रांगेत उभा राहिलो. प्रत्येक १५-२० मिनुताला एक बोट होती, तिथेही जास्त वेळ उभा राहावा लागला नाही, बोट आल्यावर लगेचच आम्हाला आत मध्ये चढवण्यात आले आणि बोट निघलि.
नायगारा मध्ये एकूण ३ धबधबे आहेत. पहिला अमेरिकन, दुसरा ब्रायडल वेल जे दोन्ही पूर्णपणे अमेरिकन हद्दीत येतात आणि तिसरा सर्वात महत्वाचा होर्शु जो कॅनेडा साईड ला आहे. पहिल्यांदा आमची बोट अमेरिकन फाल्ल्स समोरून गेलि. अमेरिकन फाल्ल्स ची उंची तुलनेने इतरांपेक्षा कमी आहे . बऱ्यापैकी उंचीवरून  पाणी पडत होत. वर आकाशात सुर्य तळपत होत. त्याची किरणे धबधब्याच्या पाण्यावर पडून तिथे सुंदर असा इंद्रधनुष्य  तयार झाला होता.  पुढे आमची बोट ब्रायडल वेल  धबधब्यासमोर आलि. ह्या धबधब्याची उंची अमेरिकन  पेक्षा थोडी जास्त असेल पुन रुंदी खूपच कमी आहे. ह्या धबधब्याच्या पाण्यात पर्यटक मनसोक्त भिजू शकतात केव ऑफ विंड मार्गे.  शेवटी आम्ही होर्शु  धबधब्याजवळ  आलो. हा सर्वात मोठा, उंची आणि रुंदी लाही . वातावरणात  ह्यातून पाणी पडण्याचा आवाज गर्जत होता . जसजसे आम्ही अजून जवळ गेलो तसे पाण्याचे तुषार आमच्या अंगावूर उडू लागले . ह्याच्या साठीच तूर इतक्या दूर आलो होतो. बोट जितक्या जवळ जाता येईल तितक्या जवळ घेऊन गेली . जवळजवळ ५ मिनिटे आम्ही तिथे होतो. मी पोंचो घट्ट बांधण्याचा प्रयत्न केला तरीही पाणी आत जाताच होत. शेवटी मी तो डोक्यावरून उतरवला आणि कमेरा भोवती गुंडाळला आणि मनसोक्त भिजलो .

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Journey to the Niagara Falls

One Fine weekend of July, Monsoon season, Best trek or picnic to some Hill station in Sahyadri ranges. Just Enjoy in cloudy weather, have roasted corns when every surrounding is wet, have some Onion Pakoras, hot tea. Last year I went to Amboli, hill station in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra but this time I am far away from my home. But hey I am in the country of world famous Niagara Falls, let’s get wet in Niagara Falls water then.

I planned first for 2nd week of July but the tour was already full so it got postponed by one week. I selected tour of 2 days which was having Niagara Falls and some glass museum. It was starting early morning on Saturday and ending on Sunday evening. Thanks to tour that the pickup location was nearby my house so I don’t have to rush early morning of weekend.

I reached to pick up location on time. The other tour members were already started gathering. My tour operator was Chinese girl. She welcomed me and gave the required details. She told me my group no, bus no & seat no. Tour bus arrived after ten minutes and all people stepped into the bus. We left the pickup location and then the real fun started. Tour Operator started giving introduction about her and then tour itinerary. She was just talking, talking and talking. The small girl of age around 2 years from bus should have got irritated from that I think and she started demanding microphone to her. Initially she ignored and continued with introduction but the small girl then started crying and she has to handover her mic to girl. That small girl then said something in her own baby language which later everyone appreciated by applauding. After taking hold of microphone again she finally finished explaining the itinerary but it’s not over yet. One tour member was Chinese and he was having trouble to understand English, Actually all the tourist were having trouble to understand her English but fine, She then started in Chinese and thank god she finished that very quickly.

In all these things our one and half hour got passed (yes one and half hour believe me) and our first relax point came. After getting into the bus again, Tour operator again started to explain cost of the attraction but this time that small girl again demanded back the microphone to which tour operator has to handover mic. Small girl told us again something to us in her own language and then returned the mic back. After getting mic back she explained the cost of all attractions to us and then started collecting the money.

They were offering us four attractions first the Maid of the Mist the main attraction of the tour where we will be taken by boat to the most possible closest point of Niagara Falls. The second one was Native Indian cultural show. The next day Watkins Glen’s State Park and last one was museum of glass. I decided to skip native Indian show because my friend was suggesting to take another attraction Cave of the wind at Niagara Falls instead of going to that show. I asked her about the Cave of wind attraction but she was not able to tell anything about it.

At our second halt we took lunch, she gave us forty minutes for that. During her introduction, she also told us that if someone comes back late then that guy have to sing song as punishment. As a human tendency that at least one will be late out of 50 people, one lady got late and everyone demanded that she must sing song now. After some no no no she started singing the song. She sang one Indian song from Great Gambler movie, ‘Do Lafjo ki hai’. First I thought she will just sing mukhra of song but no she started first antara, I said ok fine but then she continued to second antara. That made everyone thinks that she came intentionally late.
After lunch break, our next break point was after two hours or so. All were in relax mood and I also wanted to complete my weekend sleep. Our tour co-coordinator played Spider Man 3 movie in bus but I can tell you that hardly any one watched it. Everyone was taking nap, yes some of us requested for Iron Man 3 instead of Spider Man 3, was just in mood of pulling her leg but she did not understood.

After couple of hours our bus stopped at one relax service area. It was having some picnic tables, barbeque stand and restroom. It was very scenic area. After getting fresh I started capturing it in my camera.  This is the first time I took out my camera from my sack in tour. One of the family of our tour felt in love with that area as they were taking pictures till last moment, all bus members boarded the bus but they were still taking the pictures, first they took natures pic then solo pics then group pic, our driver started calling them and they also started changing their poses very fast, finally they finished and come back to bus.

After that again everyone went back to sleep and our next stop was Niagara Falls.


Saturday, 20 July 2013

Empire State Building

Empire State Building - the New York’s Tallest building till 1972. Its 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 34th street. This building has observation deck on 86th and 102th floor from where you can see the entire Manhattan. You can visit during day time as well as during night. You have to purchase ticket to go on observation deck; you can also purchase combo ticket which will have day view as well as night view. If you purchase the ticket online they you can skip the line and can go directly to elevator, you can also buy express ticket, I don’t know what it does but its express means less line I guess.

I will also suggest either you buy the ticket online or buy from official window of Empire state, avoid the ticket agents which are standing outside the empire state building, they will confuse you a lot and they will always give you false information. They told me, if you buy ticket from me you will be on 86th floor in half an hour from now and if you go through official window it will take you one and half hour. I still avoided him and purchased the ticket from official window and I was on deck in 45 minutes. Just for 15 minutes more he was charging me double amount.

Anyways, when I get in ticket queue, I first have to pass through security check, this security check is stricter that your airport, I have to remove shoes, belts and then pass through scanner. After purchasing ticket you will be taken to elevator queue which was kind of big but it’s always moving and it goes from one room to another so you will not see actually how big queue is. When I was following queue to elevator, at one spot Empire State officials took free photograph of mine, they were taking everyone who is in queue and handover ticket which had photo number.

After lots of zigzag finally we entered in elevator, it was not very big, small one which can hardly accommodate 12 people. They were having 8 elevators like that. This was taking people up and also bringing down the people who are on deck. Elevators are auto operated, we don’t have to press any button from inside, and the security will operate the elevator remotely. That elevator took us on 80th floor within half minute. From 80th to 86th, we have to take another elevator and again queue for the same. While standing in queue, the walls of building will show you history of Empire State that how it’s built, who all top celebrities visited Empire State.

We came on deck from second elevator, Deck is divided into two parts, outer deck and inner, inner deck is closed with glass and outer deck is open.  We came on outer deck from South. South view will show you Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, WTC, Lower Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridge. It’s very clear but windy weather, I could not stand more than minute there, I took snaps as quick as I could and came to East view. East view will show you stretch of Long Island, Queens, and famous Chrysler building. Chrysler building was the tallest building in Manhattan before Empire State and also it is picturised in Spider man movie. From North view, I located my office building, Times Square, very far Central park and from West view Jersey City. I took as many photographs as I can but it was very windy and chilled so I thought of going down.

We then come back to elevator this time not big queue; it took us on 80th floor. From 80th floor back to ground floor.

Empire State was our last attraction for the day. We ended up our tour and back to home.

Mayuresh Manjre

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Times Square

Times Square – heart of the world, is the most tourist visited place in the world. My office is in Times Square and I have described a bit about it earlier but in my official tour of Manhattan how I can skip Times Square. So after I finish exploring Lower Manhattan, I took Metro from Wall Street to Times Square. It’s hardly 10 minutes journey from Wall Street to Times Square by Metro.

Times Square Metro station is very big and also confusing for the first time traveler like me. Most of the Manhattan metro lines pass through Times Square and it’s also linked to Port Authority Bus terminal. Somehow I found the exit for the 42nd street and I came on our regular street from which every day I travel for office.

Times Square is basically an intersection of 7th Avenue and Broadway and this intersection stretch is from 42nd street to 48th street. At the end of each stretch, Times Square has big digital screens which are the main attraction here. This Big screens mainly used to telecasts the advertisements. The screen standing near 42nd street has New Year ball at top. The countdown of New Year happens on this screen, on every New Year’s Eve. Screen at 47th street is kind of little entertaining, which captures people’s faces and use it in small animated video, they morph these faces on animated bodies. In front of that screen, kind of amphitheater structure is made from which people stands on upper level to get their faces captured in that video. Also that amphitheater holds lots of events. The recent one I saw is promotion of Brad pitt’s film world War – Z.

For shopping also Times Square is nice place. Aeropostal, Levi’s, Disney’s, ToysRus, Polo lots of outlet has shop here.  Lots of movies, cartoon character also roam in Times Square like Mickey, Mario, Spiderman etc with whom kids take photographs.

You will never get bore in Times Square as every second you will see something is happening. Form some corner you will hear voice of protests, somewhere guys are playing music which keeps your mind refreshed, some guys doing gymnastics, Some are showing sketch art. Something is always on.

This is also the first time I came here with my camera. I took many pics here. I also had lunch here. After spending enough time I headed to Empire State Building.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Wall Street - Lower Manhattan

After our cruise ride, next destination on our list was ‘Wall Street’. Wall Street – The Financial District of New York, Not just the New York, we can say the entire world. The world’s biggest stock exchange, ‘New York Stock Exchange’ is on Wall Street. The other major stock exchanges have or had headquarters in the Wall Street including NASADAQ (now move to Times Square), the former American Stock Exchange.

When we were leaving Battery Park we saw newly married couple having their photo shoot in the park. It was just two of them and photographer. I thought its very nice, hire one photographer and go to location whichever your want and have good photo shoot, away from crowd, no rush. In my later stay I saw lots of newly married couple doing this; best locations were Times Square, Central Park, and Brooklyn Bridge. Sometimes only two of them with photographer, sometimes few family members accompanying groom and bride or sometime just friends but obviously not like typical Indian marriage where 20-30 family members stand with groom and bride and take photo.

We left the Battery Park and after few steps, entered in Bowling Green Park. Its small public park but crowded by tourist because the ‘Charging Bull- the Wall Street Icon’ is standing in this park. This bull is 3200 Kilograms Bronze sculpture made by Arturo Di Modica, an Italian-American artist. This work cost him $360,000. In 2004, he announced that the bull is on sale on one condition that the buyer does not move it from its current location. The bull is symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity, leaning back on its haunches and with its head lowered as if ready to charge.

The tourists are crazy about this sculpture that it has now become most visited and photographed and loved and recognized statue in New York. Now a day’s tourist has to stand in queue to take photograph with bull. It has also become famous among Indians after few Bollywood movies featured the bull in the movie. We also waited for 10-15 minutes in queue to take photo with bull. Later on we entered in Wall Street through Broadway where first you will see New York Stock Exchange to your right.  Going little forward at Left you will see Federal Hall and next to NYSE, JP Morgan’s building. George Washington’s statue is installed in front of Federal Hall and also Main view of NYSE can be taken from here.

We spent some time there taking photographs and then headed to Midtown.

Monday, 1 July 2013

World Trade Center & Statue Of Liberty

World Trade Center and Statue of Liberty
It’s now 2 weeks I am in Manhattan, US and also settled a bit. I am visiting Times Square everyday as it’s my workplace but now thought of exploring Manhattan a bit more.
One fine Saturday I decided to start with Downtown with one of my friend, early morning on Saturday I took Path train from Journal Square to reach directly in Downtown. The last stop of Path train in Downtown is World Trade Center. As soon as you come out of Path train station, at left hand side you can see new world trade center tower. The work is still in progress but the outside construction is almost done. It is one of the 6 towers which are getting built after the old twin towers got destroyed in attack of September 11, 2001. The actual place were the Twin towers standing is called as Ground Zero and it is preserved as 9/11 memorial. We were so early that Memorial of 9/11 was not yet opened and my friend was also not much interested in visiting that.
After that we headed to Battery Park from where I thought that I will get good view of Statue of Liberty. When we were on our way, we stopped by in Subway and had quick breakfast. We were already aware that we cannot go on Liberty Island were Statue of Liberty is standing because it was kept closed due to damage of Hurricane Sandy. It’s scheduled to reopen on July 4 2013.
Battery Park has been an invaluable part of New York City’s history. In 1855, Castle Garden, situated inside the Park was the world’s first immigrant depot. Although its role has changed, people from around the world still visit Battery Park for a view of the city's past. Ferries dock at its shore to pick up visitors to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, and all summer long concerts play on its grounds.
Its beautiful waterfront and flower gardens make Battery Park a lovely place to wander. For those who'd like a longer stroll, the park’s location at the southern tip of Manhattan makes it a classic starting point for walking tours through the city
When we reach to Battery Park, the tip of downtown, I got a bit disappointed. In the map they show the Statue of Liberty is very near to it but it is dip inside and I could hardly see it. My friend wanted to have picture with Statue of Liberty and she could not wait till July 4 as her return date was also nearby. We then decided to take Statue Cruises available from Battery Park itself which will at least give view from near. It was 1 hour cruise which covers Ellis Island, Statue of liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge.
Weather was so chilly and windy that we could hardly stay on deck of cruise, whenever any attraction use to come, we use to come out on deck take snaps and then go back inside. We also had voice commentary who was telling in details about each attraction which I hardly heard.
First our cruise took us to Ellis Island which was the Port of entry to New York after Battery Park. I heard they still display the number of immigrants coming in to the US but as Island was closed I am not sure, Then our cruise headed to main attractions and i.e. Statue of Liberty. This was again one of my dreams to see it, I saw it earlier in many movies, songs but this is the time when I am looking at it with my naked eyes. When we get closer, I can feel that how big it is. I captured as many snaps of her I can. 
I learnt something about her from the audio commentary that initially she was used as light house then Liberty Island where she stands is converted to National Monument.  The statue represents the Roman goddess of freedom who bears a torch high in the sky in her right hand and a tablet in left hand which inscribes the date in roman numbers July 4, 1776 and evokes the American Declaration of Independence.
Then our cruise passed through Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge. Then our cruise returned back to Battery Park from where we started the tour.


Mayuresh Manjre

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Manhattan - My First Day

New York – world’s busiest, costliest, entertaining city. When my organization decided to send me here for an assignment, it was like my family’s dream came true. I have been to UK before but No, they wanted me to visit US once in my lifetime.
I flew for an US in mid of March through British Airways. I was having halt in ‘my’ London for 4 hrs, I wanted to go out for few minutes but my passport will not let me do that. I said by to London with heavy hearted thinking that in future I will surely come again and then flew for US. My plane landed in Newark International Airport which is just 5-6 miles away from main New York. I was hoping that winter must have gone but I was wrong, City was experiencing extended winter period. I enjoyed that weather anyway. If you are coming from land where you feel like heater is kept running on streets then this will you enjoy. I also witnessed snowfall that is also in Month of March which rarely happens.
Best part of my assignment is that my office location was in Times Square, the heart of the world also known as ‘The Crossroads of the World’. I was staying in Jersey City and I had to take bus, Gate 51 number which takes you to Port Authority Bus Terminal of New York. This is the main bus terminal of New York City; you will get the buses for all nearby cities from here. This is 3 floor bus terminal and it has more than 300 bus gates.
If you take exit of 8th Avenue from terminal, you will see New York Times building one of the tallest in New York, When I tried to capture the entire building in one glance looking upward I felt like dizzy, This is the first time I was taking look at such tall building.
From Bus terminal to my office is 0.5 mile short walk for which I have to cross one avenue (8th Avenue to 7th Avenue) and they 3 streets. I took 42nd street to cross the avenue first. This stretch has New York few attractions like Madam Tussads, Ripley’s Believe it or Not, Regal Cinema, IMAX Theater, and Broadway musical play Theaters.
Once you are in 7th avenue and 42nd street you are in Times Square, where Broadway and 7th Avenue intersects, one of the world’s busiest pedestrian Intersection. This is claimed as the most visited place by tourist in the world. Times Square is also major center of world’s entertainment industry. 
Times Square is place where New York celebrates its New Year eve and the whole world watches it through television. Its big hub for shopping, dining. It also has office of NASDAQ. You will feel like some fair is going on, tour operators will ask you and try to give information about New York tours. You will see people dressed up in Statue of Liberty, Mickey Mouse, Mario, and Spiderman and may more characters get up and inviting you to take photographs but obviously you have to pay them for that.
I entered in office thinking I am here only and there are lots of things to explore

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Ocean City, MaryLand

Baltimore to Ocean City is almost 3 hrs long drive. We started from Baltimore around 8 PM and reached to Ocean City at 11 PM. It was evening twilight when we left the Baltimore; we came across very good sceneries.
When we reach to Ocean City, Our Hotel was at Salisbury which is 15-20 miles away from ocean city. We decided to take boardwalk and dinner in Ocean City and then head to hotel. It was 11 PM and board walk was fully crowded. We took walk for 10-15 minutes and checked out few restaurants for dinner but almost all restaurants have closed their kitchen. Then finally we ate fast food like pizza and burgers.
While taking board walk we saw one nice huge sand sculpture. This was the first time I saw such big sand sculpture which I used to see in newspaper photographs. Moon was also just rose, the reflection of moon light on sea water was very nice. Sea water was also seems to be very quite as I could not hear any wave sounds.
After spending some time on beach we went to our hotel which was Days Inn, Salisbury, MD. Room was clean and spacious. In the morning, it took all guys to gather around 10:30 AM, we again headed back to Ocean City. We had our Lunch at The Shark restaurant. Food was delicious and I saw one interesting thing here is that Menu of the food gets changed every day.
After our lunch we headed back to beach. It was partly cloudy weather, not bad. Lots of people where taking sun bath, sea batch in great Atlantic Ocean. Some of them were enjoying water sports like parasailing, Jet Ski, and motorboat ride. We spend some time on beach, capturing some photographs.  We also look for normal boat ride but they were all closed. We came to know that last ride was at 12:30 PM and we missed that. No one was interested for other water sports due to time constraint so we decided to head back to home.
We conclude our trip with one good group picture with our car and then we headed toward our home.
Mayuresh Manjre.